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"If you follow your heart, your heart is connected directly to your higher self and soul. And your soul knows better than anyone, for you. It knows better than the wisest, or longest living entity in this universe. Because it IS you, it is part of you and it is what you need. So follow the heart and you will never be led wrong."
TReb Bor Yit NE

Rob is one of the most respected trance channelers in the world. For more than a decade, he and his three main guides - TReb, Aridif, and Metatron - have helped thousands of individuals receive clarity on their life path and mission. He is committed to providing information and practices that support self empowerment, healing, and growth.

Healing Sexuality Book
Healing Sexuality is a groundbreaking exploration of the nature and evolution of human sexuality, trauma, and healing. Based on a course created by Aridif, Rob Gauthier’s sixth-dimensional Pleiadian guide, Healing Sexuality provides never-before shared information on the history of human sexuality, the causes of ancestral and soul-level trauma around sexuality, and powerful techniques to clear trauma and heal.
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Rob Explains Dimensions & Densities
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Metatron Channeled by Rob Gauthier
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Aridif - Earth Technologies
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Aridif - Grey Hybridization Programs
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